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Manager Procurement Packaging Apply Now
United Arab Emirates
Job Details
Category: Manufacturing Jobs in
Job Type: Full Time
Job Shift: Morning
Job Location: Sharjha, United Arab Emirates
Total Position: 1
Gender: Male  
Minimum Experience: 8 Year  
Minimum Education: Bachelors  
Salary: AED. 4000 to 5000  
Apply By: Thu, 15 Nov 2018
Posted On: Sat, 20 Oct 2018
Job Description:
Manage, negotiate and procure raw, packaging and indirect materials, services & CapEx to deliver business a competitive edge by strategizing spend across categories and optimizing cost through supplier-buyer partnership and internal customer focus.

Roles & Responsibilities

• Negotiate and ensure continuous supply of materials (right quantity at right quality & right price) to all Business
• Frame Procurement Strategies to deliver Supply Chain objectives in terms of cost control, process improvements, supplier development, working capital management and financial benefits for the Company.
• Prepare category wise material budgets & ensure buying within budget.
• Drive procurement optimization and efficiencies, including a review of existing practices. Review procurement processes and work on improvement plans.
• Monitor Commodity price trends & price forecasting. Review Commodity procurement plan and apply buying strategies to provide business a competitive edge.
• Develop SRE (Supplier Risk Evaluation) model to drive Supplier Rationalization process. Develop ‘Vendor Performance Rating’ mechanism. Apply VPIC (Vendor Performance Improvement Chart) through Supplier Coordination meeting to improve on supply deliveries.
• Manage key supplier relationships in line with the business strategies and maintain a credible reputation in the marketplace.
• Support Supply Chain Management aspects of new business development, including selection of suppliers, defining commercial approach.
• Ensure alignment between the business areas and the Supply Chain organization.
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